Day 3
We almost missed our Alcatraz trip because the cable car broke. The Alcatraz boat was leaving from Pier 35 and we got there 10 minutes before our departure time. That day was very foggy which made the island look very mysterious...I got a chance to see the cell of the famous Al Capone and also had a very realistic audio tour which took us back in time.
Starving and looking for a place to eat, we found a restaurant at Pier 39 called Fog Harbor where we feasted having a huge plate of delicious seafood.
Day 4
We started the day by visiting the stunning Muir woods. Right after we headed to Napa and Sonoma Valley. This was a day of wine tasting ;) We visited 3 amazing vineyards and tried lots of wine samples lol
Day 5
Do you remember TV show Full House? Yes we are at Alamo square.
From Alamo Square we headed to Golden Gate Park to sightsee the Japanese Tea House. First one in my life!
Our last stop that day was China Town. When you go there you have to try dim sum in a bag :D delicious! China Town was only a couple blocks away from our hotel.
Day 6
This was our last day in San Francisco :( Full of new experiences and delicious food for the last 5 days, we headed to the airport to fly back to Calgary.
I will miss you San Francisco...
Hello San Francisco
It has been over 10 years since my last and only trip to the United States. That time, I was a student and spent my summer working at Yellowstone National Park.
Besides Yellowstone, I only had a chance to briefly visit New York, so I got very excited when the American embassy in Calgary granted me a 10 year tourist visa to give me another chance to see the U.S. again.
It was time for a new adventure. My boyfriend and I decided to go to San Francisco :)! We spent 5 nights in this vibrant city, and had a blast!
Day 1
I was so excited to see this amazing city from the sky. Look carefully and you will see the Golden Gate Bridge ;)
We decided to not waste time, so we dropped our luggage and right away headed to see the Golden Gate Bridge. It was huge... I felt like I was looking at a postcard, it was amazing!!!
Our next stop was Lombard street, we got there by walking from the Golden Gate Bridge.
There were lots of tourists everywhere, long line ups to catch a cable car or to buy a famous chocolate Sundae at Ghirardelli. I didn't get to try it as it was soooo busy :( Ghirardelli was only a couple blocks away from the Lombard Street.
We decided to walk to our hotel, which took another 40 minutes. Be prepared, walking in San Francisco can be very tiring. Lots of steep hills that you have to climb :) I was exhausted that day!
Day 2
On this very sunny day we went to Santa Clara to watch a 49ers game at the new Levis' Stadium, which is about 1 hour away from San Francisco. Although we had nose bleed seats, I had so much fun!!! First time watching American football and seeing Americans tailgating :) Such a good game, 49ers won!!!
Besides Yellowstone, I only had a chance to briefly visit New York, so I got very excited when the American embassy in Calgary granted me a 10 year tourist visa to give me another chance to see the U.S. again.
It was time for a new adventure. My boyfriend and I decided to go to San Francisco :)! We spent 5 nights in this vibrant city, and had a blast!
Day 1
I was so excited to see this amazing city from the sky. Look carefully and you will see the Golden Gate Bridge ;)
We decided to not waste time, so we dropped our luggage and right away headed to see the Golden Gate Bridge. It was huge... I felt like I was looking at a postcard, it was amazing!!!
There were lots of tourists everywhere, long line ups to catch a cable car or to buy a famous chocolate Sundae at Ghirardelli. I didn't get to try it as it was soooo busy :( Ghirardelli was only a couple blocks away from the Lombard Street.
We decided to walk to our hotel, which took another 40 minutes. Be prepared, walking in San Francisco can be very tiring. Lots of steep hills that you have to climb :) I was exhausted that day!
Day 2
On this very sunny day we went to Santa Clara to watch a 49ers game at the new Levis' Stadium, which is about 1 hour away from San Francisco. Although we had nose bleed seats, I had so much fun!!! First time watching American football and seeing Americans tailgating :) Such a good game, 49ers won!!!
to be continued...
(Alcatraz, Muir Woods, Napa and Sonoma Valleys, Alamo Square, China Town)
SUMMARY of 2014
2014 was amazing for
me. I visited Toronto and it was one of the best trips of my life. First time
in my life I went on a helicopter ride and it was over Niagra Falls. Best
experience of my life!
2014 był dla mnie cudowny. Odwiedziłam Toronto i była to jedna z
najlepszych wycieczek w moim życiu. Pierwszy raz w życiu leciałam helikopterem
i to nad Wodospdem Niagara. Najlepsze doświadczenie życia!
Toronto Skyline
Niagra Falls
I drove to Canadian/ USA border to become a Permanent Resident of Canada. Yayy!! We stopped in a small mountain town called Fernie.
Beautiful place! I love you CANADA :)
Pojechałam na granice kanadyjsko – amerykańską żeby stać się stałym
rezydentem Kanady. Hurrra!! Zatrzymaliśmy się w małym górskim miasteczku
Fernie. Przecudne miejsce. Kocham cię Kanado :)
Lizard Lodge in Fernie
Fernie Town
I flew to Poland to visit my family. I went to
Warsaw with my little sis and to the Baltic Sea with my
Poleciałam do Polski odwiedzić rodzinę. Byłam w Warszawie z młodszą
siostrą i nad Morzem Bałtyckim z rodzicami.

Rainbow (Tęcza)
Charles de Gaulle Palm
The Battle of Grunwald by Jan Matejko (Bitwa pod Grunwaldem Jana Matejko)
New World Street (Nowy Świat)
Baltic Sea beach
Bungalow house at the Baltic Sea
On the way back from
Poland I took my sister with me. We had a great time in Calgary, Banff and Lake
Louise. Miss you sis!!!
W drodze powrotnej z Polski zabrałam ze sobą siostrę. Dobrze się bawiłyśmy
w Calgary, Banff i Lake Louise. Tęsknie za tobą siora!!!
Heritage Park
Calgary Tower
After the second attempt I
finally got my driver’s licence.
Po drugim podejściu w końcu dostałam prawo jazdy.
It has been over 10
years since my first and only trip to USA. That time I spend 3 months in
Yellowstone :) This time I stayed 6 days in San Francisco and it was an awesome
summary of 2014.
Minęło ponad 10 lat od mojej pierwszej i jedynej podróży do Stanów. Spędziłam
wtedy 3 miesiące w Yellowstone :) Tym razem poleciałam na 6 dni do San
Francisco i pobyt tam był cudownym podsumowaniem 2014 roku.
Happy New Year
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I would like to wish everyone awesome 2015, follow your dreams and live your passion :) Cheers to everyone from Sonoma Valley! Mayo Family Winery More pics from my San Francisco trip coming soon!
I'm back...
It's been a while since I posted something on my blog but I promise to make it up!
It was a very busy year for me. Stay tuned for 'Polka girl' new adventures. Have a sweet Sunday everyone!
Mother Nature
Today is March 18th but today’s morning felt like December and Christmas time :)
I woke up, looked through the window and it was white everywhere! Walking through the park all of the trees were covered with snow. Weather can be very unpredictable in Calgary. In the afternoon minus 2 turned into plus 4 and the snow melted.
Weather plays an important role in a Calgarians life. A big part of the news is the weather. I always check it before going to bed and right when I wake up. It is the whole process of planning what to wear especially when mornings are cold and afternoons are warm and sunny. 3 days until spring!
Another new day in Calgary. Polka Girl diary.
Weather plays an important role in a Calgarians life. A big part of the news is the weather. I always check it before going to bed and right when I wake up. It is the whole process of planning what to wear especially when mornings are cold and afternoons are warm and sunny. 3 days until spring!
Another new day in Calgary. Polka Girl diary.
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